Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Journalists are we!

from an archive in the one hand clapping website.

"Philip Meyer, who holds the Knight Chair in Journalism at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, wrote of the Leggett case,
How, for example, could we define membership in the special group without starting down a slippery slope leading first to the licensing of journalists and ultimately to censorship? . . . One of Leggett's contributions could be a definition of a journalist as anyone who declares his or her intent to be one."

Hey.. if you want to be a journalist.. start a blog! :>

also from the website
"The myth of journalistic accountabilityBut back to "accountability" for the nonce. There is a Code of Ethics promulgated by the Society of Professional Journalists that offers some admirable ideals. Here is 100 percent of what it says the accountability of journalists is (check for your self):
Be Accountable
Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.

Journalists should:
Clarify and explain news coverage and invite dialogue with the public over journalistic conduct.
Encourage the public to voice grievances against the news media.
Admit mistakes and correct them promptly.
Expose unethical practices of journalists and the news media.
Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others. "

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