Monday, December 27, 2004

Off to see the class people...

Hee. I'm off to see the class people. Haven't seen them in a loooong time. Now it's the end of christmas weekend, feels like forever, muahahaha... And of course, Leonard's back tomorrow so there should be a class gathering in that direction sometime soon!

Mahjong. It's a lot about character.. Wonder if that's why I like to play with the Engin MC so much, cos it's just a social thing to do... Rather than a competitive sport. Yet even though it's not competitive, everyone's good at it, (or maybe just very lucky at it) so you have this bunch of people who play well but without caring much. Get the best of both worlds! Anyway... wonder if CNY will be like this..

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas time. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!! :>
It's been a good week. Managed to get the Skill at Arms proposal and quotation done, under price and looks like it's going to be quite successful! And also NYF is kind of concluded a chapter, left the community service bit, and even that's going quite well, cos Sze How's already spoken to the Ang Mo Kio FSC to tie us up with them. And also managed to send out those postcards for once! I normally write the cards and then leave them mouldering in a drawer cos I forget to post them, LOL.

And.. Christmas, got a very nice gift from Key.. and she liked what I got too! So that's fine. Been gambling lots, playing small stakes (10 cents). Won ten dollars odd at mahjong from Key's friends at ChuYun's chalet, two odd from family at mahjong at today's party, then twenty odd at Big 2. I guess my luck is kind of back, though it does sputter a bit. :>

More mahjong tomorrow it seems.. like Chinese New Year like that!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Time to catch up

Seems like Christmas is abit of an excuse to catch up.. to have gatherings, to call people up and ask for their mailing address, just chat with people I haven't seen in a while.. haha.. we need more excuses like these... Don't you think? Time outs when it's agreed that it's good form to call up people you haven't seen in a while and wished you had. heh..

Crushingly busy

Key's away again.. Lucky gal, always travelling. I miss her. Ordinarily, her being away would be an awful thing, but it's only bad now, because this weekend I'm so busy I wouldn't be able to spend much time with her anyway.. OSY scheme is getting up to speed, so's the NYF comm service project.. add the Skill at Arms proposal I'm supposed to write and I'm just totally overloaded..

Not forgetting that it's also gathering time for everybody... four gatherings in two weekend days, and I'm sure to miss addy's one already.. :< I haven't seen them in forever, and yet I got to miss them again because of the NYF pre-debate.

Did I mention that Josh and Adeline are going to get married in June next year? heh.. the wave begins... Addy is one of the kindest people I've ever known, and Josh one of the most generous. Brains, a physical beauty, and caring souls.. they've got them all!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Blade Trinity

Key's been gone for the last three days.. but I get to see her today! :>
okay, soppiness aside, caught balde trinity with Andy on Friday night. Okay movie, not fantastic. Blade's a movie for action freaks I guess, and I enjoyed it but it was not action enough. Some new gadgets and a hot babe, but too stylistic, maybe. In the end playing halo is just more exciting than that!

NYF's been doing the policy development course for us the last week. It's been not fantastic, simply not enough time to cover too much ground. There WERE good sessions, with Irene Ng and Warren Fernandez in particular, and I was surprised to see Min Li as an MCYS panellist, but overall the feeling is not too much has been accomplished. We have a rocking good idea for the community service project though, so I'm hugely excited.

Irene Ng, in particular, reminded us of the essential schizophrenia in "Singaporeans". Warren was always stressing that there is no monolithic Singaporean, there is a great diversity in views, and as Irene Ng said, when she was a journalist, she was liberal and thought she represented the views of people, but when she became an MP, she realised that was not so. And maybe at the end of the day, policy is not about creating a great solution, but just the least evil... :<

Anyway, Subbu treated me to a cocktail of Modesto's calzone ( delicious!) and hindu mythology yesterday.. heh.. quite fun!

Saturday, December 04, 2004

QB in the news again

Just saw an article about how QB did Singapore proud and won us a gold and two silvers at the Asian-level for taijiquan.. Go QB!

But I can tell you, he really IS making a sacrifice for his sport. Imagine, 6 days a week, booking out of camp, travel to train the whole afternoon and evening, and going back to camp to sleep at night? Tough life, he barely takes off from training...

So, QB, go man! I respect you not just for your talent, but for your determination!