Sunday, December 11, 2005

Crazy businessmen

Well, if crazy, at least admirable. I was speaking to a friend of mine who's about to leave his job to concentrate on his business. He had started up a company and it's doing well so he's going to concentrate on running it full time. That's not why I say crazy though, it's more that when he started up the business, instead of funding it through investors, bank loans, etc, he and his friends went for credit card and cashlines. The business was successful and they've paid off all the loans ( $50k worth!), but boy was it crazy! Still, I've got to admire that courage and self-belief!

1 comment:

Ivan Chew said...

I had a chance to hear Vikas Goel speak (he's a recipient of the inaugural Singapore Indian Entrepreneur Awards) and he said, "The difference between a Visionary and a Dreamer is Success". Food for thought, eh?